Cascade Falls

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Watch out for that Knee!

Been a while since I've posted, but here's a new one for y'all.

It's a very important thing while working (especially at a show with thousands of people and stage antics galore) to pay attention to your surroundings. A lot of photographers get tunnel vision while shooting - we focus on our main objective. But for safety's sake and for finding different shots, keep an eye out. You never know what is coming. Here, I wasn't paying close enough attention. During a show with a well known musician, you get two options - 3 songs or 15 minutes, depending on the artist. Sting was the worst - only allowed to shoot for 2 songs, from 100 + feet away :/. Paisley was better, but you had to fight a crowd of people to get your shots, even with a press pass. The only way to get a clear, full body shot was to shoot from the ego stage (a long, narrow stage that sticks out into the audience). While I was doing that however, I failed to notice his fiddle player coming right at me. He missed, but I felt the woosh of air as he passed. This was the shot I got as that happened.
So. Stay alert and have a good time shooting!


p.s. you can see more photos of the shoot from here -

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